Becky's Values

The Montana constitution proudly ensures a right to privacy for all residents. The Supreme Court roll back of Roe v Wade and the subsequent state by state diminishment of the simple human right of a woman’s ability to care for our own bodies and seek appropriate healthcare is devastating. Additionally, Montanan members of the LGBTQI+ community continue to see their own rights and protections removed. We must protect freedom of choice, and ALL residents of Montana.
Montana’s cherished public lands, waters, and healthy climate aren’t just for the elite, wealthy, few. We are all public landowners, and Montana’s access to our shared public lands and wildlife feed thousands of families across our state. The state legislature and Governor Gianforte have methodically dismantled arguably the finest wildlife management program in the country and are actively trying to steal funding that Montana voters already earmarked for vital conservation financing.
Additionally, we MUST prioritize investment in clean energy jobs and develop a bold state climate action plan. I’ve devoted my career to protecting our public lands and climate, and led the coalition that permanently reauthorized and fully funded the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the most impactful conservation legislation of our lifetime. I continue to fight to protect our outdoor quality of life and will do so in the state legislature.

As an Iowa farm kid, I didn’t have a choice for a fancy, private education. I’m a proud graduate of a public school as well as Montana State University, one of the finest land grant universities in the country. My children are also receiving a public education here in Bozeman, and each year I see our public schools across Montana struggle with ever-increasing reductions in funding and lack of support for overworked and underpaid teachers and administrators. We must protect our public school system and prioritize education funding.
Under Governor Gianforte and the Republican supermajority of the state legislature, property taxes of hard-working Montanans have skyrocketed. Coupled with a high cost of living and rising healthcare costs, lack of affordability across Montana keeps me up at night. Our eldest is a student at MSU and struggles to focus on classes while working to support her apartment rent, utilities, and grocery bill. We must implement common-sense measures to ensure the wealthy are paying their fair share and ensure Bozeman can continue to be a place where all families and folks can live, work, and play.